Hilarious Pictures of People Falling Asleep in Public

Do you know when you are super tired and can barely stay awake, even in public?

Even so, I advise you to avoid falling asleep. We have never been in a very stylish position when we are sleeping and nowadays, everyone has a smartphone with a camera waiting for a funny picture to share with friends and you can be the next victim. 

  • Like this guy. 

  • Or this one, who tried to find a comfortable position to take a nap. 

  • I guess this one will need to find a Chiropractor after this nap.

  • Keep the number of the Chiropractor for this guy as well.

  • This guy even brought his Charmander for a cozy nap on the way home. Sweet! 

  • This guy found a pretty comfortable way to sleep in the airport. 

How did you like this post? Do you have any funny picture to share with us? Send in the comments! 

Be careful, you can be the nest one in this post!